Making the most of your work

Are you making the most of your time at work? Do you sometimes feel that your never ending “to do” list is getting you down? Are you happy and motivated in your job? We all have 24 hours in our day, but some of us can naturally manage their time better than others. Our handy guide below will help you make the most of your work and ensure you are feeling a sense of achievement in your role.

Be prepared. Make sure you have your work clothes ironed and ready before you go to bed each night. Prepare as much as possible for the morning so you don’t have a last minute rush. Have you prepared your lunch and snacks for the following day?

Set your alarm. Try to get a decent night’s sleep if you can, so you are refreshed in the morning. Studies have shown that most people are the most productive the first 2 hours after they get up from bed. You could even go into work early and get those important tasks done before it gets too busy.

Create a task list. The experts say that every minute spent in planning saves you 10 minutes in execution. Make sure you are being super productive by writing everything down – you could even write a separate task list for each day and highlight the most important items so you can easily see your main priorities each morning. This will also make sure you don’t “put off” those least favourable tasks.

Plan weekly or monthly targets. What do you need to achieve? What are your main aims for the forthcoming month? Make sure you are working towards them and achieving your goals so that you are getting the best of your time at work. We all love that sense of achievement when goals have been met or targets achieved.

Take regular breaks. No matter how busy you are, you should always put aside time to take a break. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes a couple of times a day. It will give you chance to re-evaluate what you need to focus on and re-energise ready to start again!

Put your mobile phone away. Make yourself unreachable at work so you are fully focused on what you are doing and have no interruptions. You will be much more productive without the distraction.

Learn as much as you can to benefit your role. Read newspapers or articles that are relevant to your line of work and will keep you up to date on recent developments which may affect you. Look out for training courses (work might even fund them!) to improve skills or learn knowledge that will give you an advantage in your work.

If you need any help finding that perfect job, or just some advice on where you can go next, give us a call. Our specialist team are on hand to answer any questions you may have around recruitment. We cover a large range of sectors and can assist with your career development.