Nearly half of UK employees looking to move jobs

According to Investors in People (IIP) research, 47% of UK employees are planning to move jobs.

Could this be a sign of growing confidence in the economy?

During the recession many staff will have seen others (such as friends, family and colleagues) being made redundant. With mouths to feed as well as bills and mortgages to pay, this will have left many feeling as though ‘a jobs a job’ whether they were being rewarded, trained or paid correctly. Many of those made redundant will also have taken jobs at a reduced salary in order to get back into work.

Such a large percentage of workers looking to change jobs could be a sign of recovering confidence in the economy and that workers are no longer willing to accept pay freezes or lower wages whilst the cost of living is increasing.

Many businesses will question the accuracy of this figure however, if this is true then there are many implications for companies and employees to consider.


Rewarding and retaining staff – are you providing your staff with the correct training and development. If not, then you could be at risk of losing employees with great potential.

Replacing staff – Are you using any agencies? Using an agency such as The Works, whether you are a large organisation with an HR function or a small business, will allow you to continue with the important task of running your business whilst helping you to attract and find the very best talent. By taking the time to get to know candidates, The Works will ensure that only the right people are sent through for interview.

Another important point to consider is using temporary or contract workers instead of hiring permanent employees to replace those who do leave. For more information on this please see our blog ‘What are the benefits of temporary and contracted staff?’


Are you happy in your career? Take the opportunity to consider temporary or fixed term contract work whilst you decide, or as a first step into a new career.

Are you registered with any recruitment agencies? If not, consider signing up with an agency like The Works. Using an agency will alleviate the burden of searching for jobs and allow you to carry on with your day to day life. The Works will take the time to get to know you and will only contact you with jobs that are relevant to you. They will also stay in touch with you and keep you up to date on progress.

For more information in relation to this blog, please contact Suzanne Paskin today on 0113 238 5422.