
So what should really be in our pay packets?

So what should really be in our pay packets?

Virtue, it’s often said, is its own reward. But who coined that particular – and, if you ask me, infuriating – phrase? Step forward 19th century clergyman John Henry Newman. Now, given how olden times were tough, we mustn’t be too hard on Johnny but chances are that he wasn’tRead More

Could an apostrophe win you the dream job?

I was inspired by some Facebook activity last week and a news item on the BBC Breakfast this morning into whether the correct use of apostrophes really matters anymore. Now I’m mildly dyslexic or (bone idle) my father would have argued. I loved English at school, but terrible at it,Read More

Is a pay rise better than sex?

In the week that the bonkbuster Fifty Shades of Grey is released (or possibly unchained) at British cinemas, politicians of all shades have been prostrating themselves in front of the British Chamber of Commerce. They say that there’s no such thing as coincidence and lo, there was the Prime MinisterRead More

Top Ten Employee Resolutions

So it’s that time of year again when we all try to evaluate our lives, pinpoint what would make us happier in the forthcoming year and make a note to try and improve on last year. Ask anyone in your office what is on their New Year’s Resolutions list andRead More

What to wear to an interview

What should you wear to an interview? Despite many blogs having already been written on this subject, the issue of what to wear to an interview comes up time and time again, especially in the industries we tend to work in – Construction and Engineering. As a result we hadRead More