
Latest posts from the All sector

How to create a healthy company culture

A company’s culture refers to the “values, attitudes, beliefs, habits and behaviours of your employees”.  A strong and clear culture will ensure everyone involved works within a structured framework, which will help drive business success. A healthy corporate culture, reflecting your core business values, will improve the performance of aRead More

A CV to make you stand out from the crowd!

A good CV is essential if you want to get that dream job. Recruiters spend on average just 8 seconds looking at any one CV, so it needs to be just right to make you stand out from the rest of the applications. It should be professional, clear and toRead More

Are your employees happy?

Have you ever wondered if your employees are happy? Bearing in mind your staff are one of your biggest assets, it’s crucial you treat them right if you want them to remain loyal and to deliver results. It’s important to remember that it’s through your employees that customer loyalty isRead More

It Works To Buy Yorkshire

It Works To Buy Yorkshire

The Works are celebrating their 25th year and have decided to support local enterprise by sponsoring the Buy Yorkshire conference which is being held on the 17th & 18th May 2016 at the Royal Armouries and New Dock Hall in Leeds. The Buy Yorkshire Conference organised by the Yorkshire MafiaRead More

Digging Your Way Out of a Career Rut

We all have that time in our lives when we feel we are stuck in a bit of a career rut, but if its happening everyday and affecting your health or personal life, maybe now is the time to try and dig your way out? What’s your passion? What makesRead More