Industrial & Manufacturing

Finding quality workers for you in the fastest and most cost effective manner is crucial keeping your operations moving. That’s why we employ recruitment experts dedicated to your business, your own accounts team. Our commitment to continuous improvement means we are always on the lookout to find new and efficient ways to make sure we can find the best possible candidates for you.

Latest posts from the Industrial & Manufacturing sector

Is January really the most depressing month in the year? #BlueMonday

Is January really the most depressing month in the year? #BlueMonday

January is a pretty rubbish month right? And the official month of #BlueMonday. Cold, gloomy weather…..long awaited pay days…..tight trousers…..lots of leftover chocolate to eat… money to do anything…..Christmas a long and distant happy memory…?!   But is that the right way to look at January? Wouldn’t it be betterRead More

Mental Health First Aid training (MHFA)

Mental Health First Aid training (MHFA)

Our first MHFA training course of 2019 takes place tomorrow at our offices in Leeds. It’s a 1-day course which gives attendees an understanding of mental health and skills to help spot the signs and triggers of anybody who might be suffering. The course will give attendees the confidence toRead More

Secret Santa Do’s and Dont’s

Secret Santa Do’s and Dont’s

CV-Library has found that 74.6% of Brits enjoy getting involved with this festive gifting game, and whilst Secret Santa is a great opportunity to have some fun with your colleagues during the festive period it can be tricky to know where to draw the line. Nearly half (47%) of BritsRead More

The Christmas Party Survival Guide

The Christmas Party Survival Guide

The big mistake that people make when they go to the works’ Christmas party is to treat it the same as a night out with their friends. It isn’t…. it is a work activity. That means that there are a whole new set of rules. But how do you behave when youRead More

Why Every Company Needs a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA)

Why Every Company Needs a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA)

As the fastest growing city in the UK, Leeds boasts over 119,000 companies which together generate 5% of England’s economic output with a workforce of 1.37 million. However, it should never be forgotten that behind these impressive figures are individual workers – each with their own challenges and struggles. MentalRead More