
A parents guide to a career in manufacturing

Many Leeds businesses are struggling to attract young people into a career in manufacturing and there’s a real shortage of young people in the sector. If we don’t start taking this more seriously, a future skills shortage could affect our economy massively. It’s no surprise that manufacturing & engineering graduatesRead More

How to be a high quality candidate

How to be a high quality candidate

Are you applying for jobs and getting nowhere? Do you feel as though you are not being noticed for the key skills that you have? Recruiters know exactly what they are looking for when they research potential candidates for their roles, and they are looking for the very best talentRead More

Rules for a perfect covering letter!

Rules for a perfect covering letter!

If you are applying for a job, it’s essential that you send the recruiter a covering letter to accompany your CV. A covering letter lets you target the job role in a very specific way and clearly demonstrates your skills and experience to the reader. It should be sent outRead More

Are you ambitious?

Are you ambitious?

“On average, ambitious people attain higher levels of education and income, build more prestigious careers, and report higher overall levels of life satisfaction,” says Neel Burton, psychiatrist and author of Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions Would you class yourself as an ambitious person? Do you strive to achieveRead More

How to reach your company goals

How to reach your company goals

All successful businesses have company goals. These are business goals set to provide clear direction to management and employees and to help a business grow. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment to reach your company goals but they should be an important part of your business plan.Read More

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