Employee wellbeing programmes to benefit your business
Did you know that a healthy and happy workforce is a more productive workforce? Nowadays more and more companies are providing corporate wellbeing programmes for their staff. Why? Because by providing workers with these services, companies are improving job satisfaction and raising retention rates.
Latest research shows the following:-
- Sickness costs the UK economy over £17 billion/year
- The average cost per employee’s sick days to the employer is £476 per year
- In 2014/15 stress accounted for 35% of all work related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health
So how can you get on board and support your staff to promote a more healthy and happy workplace? Here are a few ideas to get you started:-
Promote exercise
Exercise is proven to keep employees more focused during the working day. You could offer a discount at a local gym, introduce a cycle to work scheme, offer exercise classes at work, or encourage staff to ditch the lift and take the stairs!
A healthy workplace
Provide water for your employees. Staying hydrated is not only important for health reasons but it also is fantastic for keeping employees working to their full potential. Stock your vending machines and cafeterias with healthy options to encourage your staff to eat better at work.
Health & Safety at work
As an employer, you have a legal responsibility to look after your employees’ safety and protect them against health and safety hazards at work. Carry out risk assessments on your work equipment and procedures. Keep all your equipment maintained and ensure work equipment is only allowed to be used by people who have received adequate training.
Health lifestyle changes
You could offer incentives or programmes to help your employees stop smoking, eat healthier or drink less alcohol. Visit the NHS Change for Life website for more information and advice.
Stress management
With stress being the number one reason for sickness leave in the UK, it is essential that you take it seriously and ensure your staff have a good work/life balance and feel safe at work. Many organisations offer short stress management workshops for staff which could take place at lunchtime or after work. Make sure you keep on top of it so you can spot the signals before it gets too late.
Encourage breaks and holidays
Everybody needs a break! It improves concentration for the rest of the day, improves staff attention span and has been proven to increase creativity. We all know how much better we feel after a bit of time away from the stresses of work. Make sure your staff take holidays and enjoy time with their friends and family – they will definitely feel better for it and come back refreshed and motivated!
And finally……socialise with your staff and get to know them on a personal level. If you build a level of trust with your workforce you will encourage them to speak out if they are not happy. Improving relationships between employees can really boost office morale. Why not set up office socials or finish early on a Friday and grab a drink or a bite to eat? Getting to know employees will improve wellbeing in the workplace hugely.