Highlighting National Woman In Engineering Day
Engineering is one of the specialist sectors The Works operate in, which is why we wanted to show our support on National Woman in Engineering Day. (#NWED2016) is now an International awareness campaign raising the profile of women in engineering and focusing attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls/woman in this exciting industry. Get involved and show your support using #NWED2016 , and it just so happens to coincide with the referendum this year!
The sub-theme for 2016 is #RaisingProfiles and to celebrate the theme the Daily Telegraph have published a list of the top 50 woman in engineering today.
Click here for the full list:
Top 50 Women in Engineering,
National Women in Engineering Day was set up by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th
On 23 June 2014 WES wanted to focus attention on the great opportunities for women in engineering, at
a time when it has never been more important to address the engineering skills shortage. By encouraging girls into engineering careers we will not only be increasing diversity and inclusion – a business imperative – but enabling us to fill the substantial future job opportunities that have been predicted in this sector.
The idea behind National Women in Engineering Day is to encourage all groups (Governmental, educational, corporate, Professional Engineering Institutions, individuals and other organisations) to organise their own events in support of the day.
The Works Recruitment will be hosting our very own STEM works event to find industry talent and discuss the challenges faced by woman in the industry and how we can encourage more girls into engineering.