Leeds Manufacturing Festival – Meet the Official Sponsors!

“In Leeds, more than 25,000 people are employed in manufacturing-related roles. Employers are aware they must engage with young people and schools right now if they’re to be confident of a skilled talent pipeline for the future. The Works employs hundreds of individuals across the city, and manufacturing roles account for over 60% of our vacancies. We have a responsibility as influencers to share the great opportunities available for everyone in this sector.”

If you want to find out more and get involved, attend our “Making Apprenticeships Work for your Business” breakfast event, which the Leeds Manufacturing Alliance which is taking place on 15th May from 8am to 10am. You can hear from employers about how apprenticeships can help meet the challenge of bringing young people into manufacturing and developing the key skills that employers need for the future. Click HERE to register for this free event.

If you want to find out more, or register your interest in the Leeds Manufacturing please GET IN TOUCH. If you’re serious about engaging the young people of today with what exciting, diverse opportunities are available in Leeds then we need your input!