Are you recruitment ready for 2017?
84% of candidates would consider leaving their current role if another company with a good reputation offered them a job
47% of small businesses cannot find qualified applicants for open positions
The New Year is probably one of the prime times to recruit, as job seekers tend to focus their efforts on finding a new opportunity after the festive period. If you are thinking about recruiting in the New Year then now is the time to start planning. We’ve summarised below our top tips on getting recruitment ready to make your process more effective:-
A clear and well written job description
Do you know exactly what or who you are looking for? You need to put together a detailed and defined job description that clearly highlights the responsibilities of the role and exactly what experience or skills you are looking for.
Standing out from the crowd
Make your application stand out – make sure the job being offered sounds exciting so that it will attract candidates. Have you thought about what benefit packages can you offer to make you stand out from your competitors? Consider flexible working or job shares – there is evidence from a number of studies to show that family-friendly policies generate employee loyalty.
Using social media to boost a hire
Now is the time to review the way you are reaching your target audience. If you are considering using social media to boost your vacancies, you must ensure you have a strong and creative social media profile. 80% of job seekers use social media to research a company and prepare for an interview, therefore your profile must be professional, up to date, clear and consistent.
What is a good website?
You need to ensure your website is up to date and reflects your company branding and current news. Think about your objectives and strategy and what you want to communicate to your audience. Use your website in conjunction with your social media posts so that you can target a particular sector and increase brand awareness.
Finding the right talent for your business
Now this is where we come in. We have access to a large number of candidates which we can filter through to find your perfect match! We can help you write your job description, filter through applications, assist in the interview process and give you our expert recruitment advice.