Have you found love at work?
Relationships at work: Did you know that 30% of people meet their partners at work? And that 14% of couples who meet through work ended up married? It’s no surprise really when you are spending so much time there – relationships are bound to form in one way or another. But can it put an added strain on relationships and what are the rules? We highlight below some of the main pros and cons of workplace love:
Firstly, let’s deal with the cons. Most importantly is if the relationships don’t work out and you still have to see each other every day. This can then result in conflict at work, poor performance or absenteeism. The way to tackle this is to go into the relationship with this in the back of your mind – so that if, unfortunately, it did happen you both deal with it as professionally and amicably as you can.
Be prepared for rumours. Everybody loves a bit of gossip, and for a while you might be the talk of the workplace. But don’t let the rumours or gossip drive a wedge between you and your loved one. Remember that gossip doesn’t last very long and they will soon get bored. If you are both strong enough and rise above it you will be fine.
Don’t let romance at work affect your job performance. This is a big one. Sneaking off to be alone, longer lunches, late to work in a morning. It’s not acceptable and it’s unfair, plus your boss won’t be impressed either. The workplace is exactly what it says on the tin – your place of work, not another excuse for a snog in the photocopy room!
Now the best bit.….the pro’s. Research conducted by the International Journal of Stress Management has shown that work-linked couples are generally more resilient in the face of stress. This is believed to be because they feel they have their partner’s support which helps them cope with difficult situations at work.
You could use your relationship to benefit your productivity at work. The bonus of a couple working together is that they know each other inside and out. They know their strengths, weaknesses, skills and aspirations. They trust each other which can be used to your advantage.
And finally, you get to spend even more time with your loved one! This could make you happier at work and generally more motivated. As long as you remember to switch off when you are out of work – it can be hard trying to keep your personal life and your work life separate but it’s a step you should really take.
So if you stick to the basic rules you shouldn’t have a problem: save the bickering for home, go into the relationship with an open mind and be professional at all times at work. Have you ever experienced, or currently have a relationship at work? We would love to hear your stories and thoughts – please get in touch! leeds@theworksrec.co.uk
And a Happy Valentine’s Day from the team at The Works Recruitment!