Returning to work: a maternity nightmare!
It’s not easy going back to work when you’ve been on maternity leave for the past however many months or years, but there are some positives about getting back into a routine! With the right positive mind-set, it could be a blessing in disguise.
Money talks
Think of the extra cash for a starter. There’s nothing better than a few extra pounds in your bank account, and think of all the new clothes you can not only buy for yourself, but for your little one too! You can’t beat a quick dash to the shops for a new outfit in your lunch break!
Adult conversations
You’ve probably watched far too much Baby TV and Peppa Pig over the past few months to last you a lifetime! Think about the conversations you can be having at work – and the gossip you might have missed whilst you’ve been away! It’s a great feeling reconnecting with work friends that you might not have seen for a while and another excuse to share your cute baby photos!
Happy Mummy
It’s all about doing something you enjoy. If you love your job, and your colleagues too, then what’s not to like about returning to work? It’s a chance for you to dress smartly, ditch the baby changing bag and do something for yourself for a change! Imagine being able to have a coffee in peace without having to carefully balance a baby in the other arm? Or reading a great book on the train to work without pages being ripped out!
Gimme a break!
Being a mum can be hard work. We all know that. Sometimes just getting away and being “you” can make you appreciate your time at home much better. And that’s what a work-life balance is all about: remembering what is important for you and your family. And a happy and stress free mummy is a healthy mummy!
So if you are returning to work soon, or have just recently gone back after time off with a little one, it doesn’t have to be that bad! As long as you remember that work and home are two totally different places and don’t mix them up you will have a ball!