Signs of a career burnout!
With Bonfire Night just around the corner, are you feeling a bit of career burnout? Your job might not be lighting your flame anymore and you may feel that you need a change to spice things up a bit. Here are some of our tell-tale signs that your career is about to burnout:-
You’ve lost interest in your work
If you’re struggling to get yourself out of bed each morning, or are counting down the days to the weekend, it probably means you are not happy in your career. You might have lost interest in the company and the role you are doing. You could even be bored and need a new challenge. If your motivation is non-existent and you are starting to dislike doing your job, it’s time to do something about it.
You get wound up by the simplest things
If you are happy in your career, a little obstacle or challenge can be exciting, and motivate you to learn new skills or briefly step out of your comfort zone. However, if you’re seeing the smallest issue as a huge burden and feeling frustrated over the simplest of things then it’s probably a sign that you’ve had enough. And if you don’t do something about it you could end up doing something you regret!
You can’t focus on the task at hand
Work just doesn’t seem fun anymore. You’re not even interested about what your colleagues did at the weekend. If you are getting easily distracted and not getting the job done, it could mean you’ve ready for a change. Are you spending more and more time on the internet or social media? Are you finding that the simplest of tasks are taking a long time to complete? These can be tell-tale signs that your concentration and energy levels are burned out.
You’re feeling the pressure
If you feel run down, stressed or depressed, it might be time to consider looking for a new career. If you are not enjoying your job, it will have a massive impact on your mental and physical health and it’s really not worth it!
You feel like your talents are wasted
Do you often feel that you aren’t being challenged enough or given opportunities to grow and shine? If you feel that you are made for better things then you probably are! Many people put off their dreams due to fear of change, but you will never achieve in life if you don’t push yourself. There could be so many exciting opportunities just around the corner, and you will never know about them if you carry on being unhappy in your career.