The Works Recruitment Reach Kenya With Charity Football Tournament
The Works Recruitment proudly supported the inaugural Patron’s Football Tournament, which took place on 17th, and 18th October in Kenya.
The aim of the tournament was to bring together the target audience from across Kenya of almost 200 young people, using football to access advice, guidance and support on critical issues affecting their lives through a series of workshops as well as providing them with a nutritious meal.
Engaging young people and trying to educate them about health and nutrition is extremely difficult in Africa. The tournament saw 84 young men, all from different teams and communities sitting together in a workshop on HIV and healthy living.
At the same time teenage girls were discussing the Path to Womanhood and by accessing expert advice able to dispel many myths about their development and reproductive health.
The Works Recruitment, Managing Director Craig Burton first learned of the charity through his connections and charity interests and liked the new approach to educating young people on health issues using sport to attract them. Vision Africa was looking for someone to spearhead this campaign and raise funds and awareness to keep the programme going. Craig identified a mutual friend with similar interests and introduced Ellie Bird to Vision Africa. Ellie has now become a key member in this charity and is already planning the tournament for 2016.
Craig’s background and resources means he has the ability to match people to other people and make genuine introductions, which compliment each other.
Craig Burton, Managing Director advises, “Recruitment isn’t just about placing someone in a job, it’s more than that. First you need to understand the business and the values of the business and then match a person with the same values and the required skills to carry out the job.”
“The Works Recruitment are proud to support Vision Africa in their work and we will help to promote this charity and assist in looking for other businesses who want to get involved in such a great cause.”
Various items are required for the tournament in 2016 so if you are interested in donating sports clothes, footwear and water bottles, please see the contact details at the end of this article.
The great news is that at the last tournament they had planned and budgeted to feed about 250 people for lunch on Saturday, but somehow managed to accommodate 400.
Only later the charity learn that tee shirts had been shared amongst children in the local community desperate to satisfy their hunger, which highlights just how much more is needed to meet the basic needs of children.
In the next few months Ellie will start the planning process for the 2016 Tournament and will be seeking your support both financially and resources such as clothing, food, transport and workshop facilitators.
We hope that you can build on this to make a difference by supporting this great cause and Give a Child a Future.
“Vision Africa has given me a bright future, they have revived what had been a shattered.”
Alex Mburu, Beneficiary,, @VisionAfrica
80 Bushey Mill Crescent, Watford, WD24 7RD Or PO Box 76227-00508, Nairobi, Kenya
Ellie Bird
Patron Vision Africa