The Works host breakfast briefing at Club LS1
The Works will be launching the first event of their new calendar this month by inviting business clients to discuss the new Agency Workers Legislation proposed for introduction in November 2011.
The date for the event is Thursday 8th July.
Club LS1 Leeds will be hosting the event where breakfast and networking will commence from 8am and finish at 11am.
A recruitment company perspective will be provided by The Works with Joanne Houseman of Gordons Leeds providing expert law advice. There will be case studies offered by ASDA and UNITE regarding their perspective on the legislation and the procedures they have put in place in advance of the law being passed.
Craig Burton, MD at The Works says, “These laws are very important for anyone working in recruitment and HR. We are excited to meet with our clients and discuss their concerns. We want to offer solutions to our clients are aware what is happening and the preparation process is as smooth as possible.”