
How to be a good mentor

How to be a good mentor

A mentor in the workplace is basically a trusted careers adviser. It’s when an experienced person supports and encourages a colleague to develop their skills and knowledge. It’s an excellent way to improve an employee’s performance and productivity as you are teaching them new skills, knowledge and experience. The qualitiesRead More

Employee benefits to attract talent

Employee benefits to attract talent

According to a 2016 survey of UK workers, around 60% of people interviewed reported that “employee benefits and perks are a major factor in considering whether or not to accept a job offer.” Offering the right employee package is of utmost importance in today’s modern world, especially if you are looking toRead More

Why continuous learning is good for your career!

Why continuous learning is good for your career!

Learning at Work Week is an annual event held in May organised by the Campaign for Learning. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of learning and development at work. To celebrate the event, which takes place all this week, we have summarised below the importanceRead More