
The Introverted Leader – Building on Your Quiet Strength

The Introverted Leader – Building on Your Quiet Strength

If you have ever felt that only loud people get promoted into management roles, then Jennifer B. Kahnweiler has news for you! Jennifer Kahnweiler, an extrovert, was perplexed as to why her husband (a self-proclaimed introvert) seemed to have broken that stereotype and become a successful manager. Following a ten-yearRead More

Managing Upwards

Managing Upwards

Ever had a boss who just wasn’t very good? Someone who shouldn’t have been employed let alone promoted to be a manager. You’re very lucky if you can have an entire career without at lease one boss like that. They can make your life hell, or you can learn toRead More

Top job search tips for Spring

Top job search tips for Spring

As the days get lighter and spring starts to creep in, there’s no better time to start thinking about your job search. After all, according to our data, the amount of jobs advertised in March increased by 7.6% in 2018 and a further 14.1% the year before. So, if you’reRead More

“The Ultimate Job Interview Guide”

“The Ultimate Job Interview Guide”

How to get a job interview Getting a job interview is about the application form, your CV and the personal statement you submit.  How you complete these sections of the application can work to get you the interview, or not. First, and most crucial, is to learn about the companyRead More

The Christmas Party Survival Guide

The Christmas Party Survival Guide

The big mistake that people make when they go to the works’ Christmas party is to treat it the same as a night out with their friends. It isn’t…. it is a work activity. That means that there are a whole new set of rules. But how do you behave when youRead More

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