
How to influence interviews using body language

How to influence interviews using body language

Body language can play a huge part in how we communicate and can influence another person’s opinion and behaviour in a positive or negative way. Here are some simple guidelines to follow in your next job interview to help promote yourself better and communicate positively about who you are. SitRead More

How to Fire Rubbish Employees

How to Fire Rubbish Employees

Ok, so Bonfire night is nearing and you may be getting hot under the collar for other reasons than the heap of wood you have burning in your garden. Every company goes through the issue of having to fire employees because they are not performing but this can be aRead More

The Works Recruitment Reach Kenya With Charity Football Tournament

The Works Recruitment Reach Kenya With Charity Football Tournament

The Works Recruitment proudly supported the inaugural Patron’s Football Tournament, which took place on 17th, and 18th October in Kenya. The aim of the tournament was to bring together the target audience from across Kenya of almost 200 young people, using football to access advice, guidance and support on criticalRead More

Is Your CV Scaring Employers?

Is Your CV Scaring Employers?

Competition for the top jobs is increasing and even the simplest mistake could be enough to put off any potential employer. To avoid scaring off any potential employers, here are a few things you need to check before you press send on your CV: Spelling & Grammar We see atRead More

Using Social Media To Attract Talent

Using Social Media To Attract Talent

Social Media is still a hot topic for most businesses, which are now relying on these channels to attract new customers and retain existing ones. A recent report by digital marketing agency We Are Social found that over two billion people in the world have active social media accounts, with more thanRead More