
So what should really be in our pay packets?

So what should really be in our pay packets?

Virtue, it’s often said, is its own reward. But who coined that particular – and, if you ask me, infuriating – phrase? Step forward 19th century clergyman John Henry Newman. Now, given how olden times were tough, we mustn’t be too hard on Johnny but chances are that he wasn’tRead More

Is a pay rise better than sex?

In the week that the bonkbuster Fifty Shades of Grey is released (or possibly unchained) at British cinemas, politicians of all shades have been prostrating themselves in front of the British Chamber of Commerce. They say that there’s no such thing as coincidence and lo, there was the Prime MinisterRead More

How to ace your psychometric test

Psychometric tests are fast becoming the norm for recruiters and employers that are interviewing and assessing jobseekers. The tests involve a series of questions that are aimed at finding out more about you as a person, your personality and your ability for the job available. Preparing for a psychometric testRead More

How to nail your next interview

Now that you have read our how to prepare for an interview article, you need to think how to present yourself to a future employer in the best way! We have put together a list of useful tips that will create a very positive impression of you. 1. Make sureRead More

Our Valentine winner is…

Congratulations to Chiara Bordignon. Chiara has been working with one of our clients George Barkers for the last 6 months as an Electrical Sub-Assembler. She joined the team from Belluno, Italy where she graduated University studying Technical Translations. “I am very happy to win the prize. I live in BradfordRead More