
Gary’s Story: Why apprenticeships are the way forward!

Gary’s Story: Why apprenticeships are the way forward!

Keen cyclist Gary Freeman has been a Senior Consultant at The Works Recruitment for the past 2 years, and specialises in the Engineering sector. Gary has always had a passion for engineering, which goes right back to when he left school aged 16. He started off signing up to aRead More

A parents guide to a career in manufacturing

Many Leeds businesses are struggling to attract young people into a career in manufacturing and there’s a real shortage of young people in the sector. If we don’t start taking this more seriously, a future skills shortage could affect our economy massively. It’s no surprise that manufacturing & engineering graduatesRead More

How to nail that job interview!

How to nail that job interview!

Your next interview doesn’t have to be scary……as long as you plan, plan, and plan some more! An interesting fact to know is that interviewers usually make their mind up about you in the first few minutes of you walking into the room, and most businesses recruit on personality ratherRead More

The Introverted Leader – Building on Your Quiet Strength

The Introverted Leader – Building on Your Quiet Strength

If you have ever felt that only loud people get promoted into management roles, then Jennifer B. Kahnweiler has news for you! Jennifer Kahnweiler, an extrovert, was perplexed as to why her husband (a self-proclaimed introvert) seemed to have broken that stereotype and become a successful manager. Following a ten-yearRead More

Managing Upwards

Managing Upwards

Ever had a boss who just wasn’t very good? Someone who shouldn’t have been employed let alone promoted to be a manager. You’re very lucky if you can have an entire career without at lease one boss like that. They can make your life hell, or you can learn toRead More